Hobbies & Crafts
Adult Coloring
Doodle to relax your noodle with colored pencils and coloring pages provided, or work on your own coloring books.
Book Club
Many book groups are offered, including a couples group that includes spouses. Groups meet in members' homes to share friendships, philosophies, wisdom and often wine!
Creative Crafts
Group meets monthly to enjoy making crafts and being creative together.
Garden Club
Group enjoys guest speakers and presentations on garden and nature related themes. Field trips and workshops are offered to complement the topics.
Genealogy Club
The club brings together members interested in researching family histories for short discussions, genealogy tidbits, handouts, and time to work on your individual research.
Quilting - Pelican Pointe Quilters
Group welcomes both hand and machine quilters, and members may bring their machines and/or their own project or work on a group project.
Services for Others
Grandma's Attic
A wide variety of baby/children equipment and playthings are available on loan when members need them for children visits.
Offering delicious home cooked meals, heartfelt wishes in cards, telephone calls, and visits to members in our community who are suffering a serious illness or the death of a loved one.
Medical Equipment Loan
A limited range of medical equipment is stored and made available to members in need.
Lending Library
A group of volunteers sort donations, shelves returned books, and keeps the library organized and attractive for users.
Scholarship Program
The program offers higher education scholarships to deserving young women graduating from Venice High School. It is managed through the PPWA Foundation (501(c)(3)) which coordinates fundraising efforts and gratefully accepts all donations.
Wine & Dine
Destination Dining
Group meets for drinks and appetizers, followed by the surprise announcement of their dinner destination. Hosted on a rotating monthly basis, the host provides dinner reservations, appetizers and drinks.
Kitchen Divas
Outings are scheduled at local restaurants or the Club for a chef's cooking demonstration that includes a 3-course tasting menu for the group's enjoyment and inspiration.
Lunch Bunch
Group meets monthly at different area restaurants to enjoy fellowship and lunch.
Not So Gourmet - Couples
Groups of couples meet in member homes to share culinary delights. Host couple supplies main course, and the other couples provide appetizers, sides, or dessert.
Recipe Swap
Different groups meet monthly at member homes to share and enjoy new or favorite recipes based on monthly themes.
Single Girls
This group is for single women to get together for a variety of activities including lunch, dinner, happy hours, movies, shopping trips, and more!
Wine Tasting
Group enjoys wine pairing meals at the Club and various local restaurants, and events include spouses/partners of members.